Welcome to our website!

Please explore the menu above for our services, links, and more info about us.

This website is still under construction, some things might be janky or unavailable while we work on it. Sit tight! We're still taking commissions in the meantime; our previous website was on Tumblr, in case something is broken here! Please note that the prices over there may not be current; feel free to contact us about any inquiries you may have.


Most recent changes (April 17th, 2024:)

  • continuing to work on the About page + possible rebranding
  • minor edits to Index pages

Previous changes:

  • made and added pixel art flags to the language selection links
  • global index page and 404 page functional
  • added a functional contact form
  • updated the contact page to include email + communication specifications
  • added a list of services to the Services page
  • fully updated the following services' pages: "Tarot/rune/bibliomancy readings", "Proofreading", "Transcription & CC"
  • began work on the Translation service page
  • added donation buttons to Links
  • updated terms & conditions file
  • updated headers, footers, menus, sidebars on all (EN) pages
  • minor CSS changes and fixes
  • typo fixes